Friday, October 5, 2007

dr. strangelove

interesting is such an overused word in this journal. but i'd like to use it again here. the story is interesting. it was eccentric. yes, i guess eccentric is the word. the story seemed to be revolve around something serious. it was set during a war between the russians and the americans. and this story was a combination of comedy and suspense. it's like dark comedy. the general just ordered the dropping of a bomb in russia where a doomsday device could be activated and the famous leaders gathered in the room to talk casually about it. they even had the nerves to drop witty statements. another interesting entity is the character that played dr strangelove. he played three characters in the story! haha. and dr strangelove was really weird. what's with the hand? he kind of reminds me of a mad scientist. a really brilliant and hilarious one. his ideas were twisted. he suggested for people to stay underground where they would be safe and said that for every man, there should be ten women. haha. also, i liked the ending but i hardly expected it. maybe i did expect something dark and comedic at the same time, but i didn't really expect them to die all to suddenly. and the music seemed to poke fun at their demise.

the movie had boring, dragging parts which almost made me sleep. but the coming events compensated for those dreary parts. in the end, i liked it.


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